Saturday, November 15, 2008

We've moved!

After two weeks in our "luxurious" Ugandan hotel, we've moved out and into Pastor Stephen's home. The rest of the team has gone home and Ali and I are on our own for the remainder of the trip. Okay, we're not really on our own, we still have all of our Ugandan friends chauffering us around...but we are the only muzungus (white people).

Staying with pastor Stephen is going to be great. He lives out in the country on his farm. His small place is home to some 15 people, though it's hard to keep track. And there are animals...lots of animals. We look forward to our more authentic experience.

A quick note. I gave my third pastors conference on Thursday with about 50 pastors. It was a great day, at least for me...I will be speaking on Sunday at the church that hosted the conference.

Ali held her second photo class today. The kids were excited to see their pictures for the first time, and were anxious to hear their teachers critique.

And what about Perez. Well he is all boy. And a rascal at that. We think he and our nephew Kyle will get along well. Today I walked around a corner to find him, and I did. Of course he was peeing straight up into the air... in the middle of the field with plenty of others around. Ahh Perez...

I'm being hustled off the computer so I must go...hopefully my new pictures have loaded by now.

talk more soon,

From Uganda, with love.


Unknown said...

Steve chasing a turkey? Be honest, Ali Photoshop'd that one didn't she?

Matthew Blake Williams said...

i, too, share in ryan's astonishment at your proximity to such a large bird. as for perez, well, he's clearly YOUR kid. :)

Michelle said...

You all are in my prayers! God bless you and your new family!


Anonymous said...

Loved the pics....Praying for you...

- Ed

Theda said...

Steve and Ali, hugs and prayers!
Steve, it was awesome/emotional/back to awesome to talk to you before court and hear your message after court. God loves you, Ali, Peresi, more than we can even comprehend..He knows the desires of your hearts; we pray for you 3, and especially for the heart of the judge, that God will move his decision towards YES!

If you didn't get the phone voice mail the 19th, here it is in print:
you have a new niece :) Mark and Kara and Ashlynn have added baby girl Kayla to their family: Nov 19,7 lbs 10 oz, 19 1/2". All are home as of Friday noonish! Kayla has masses of dark hair :)

We keep sharing your news and asking people to join the prayer circle!

Theda said...

how awesome to have a Ugandan birthday--have a wonderful Sunday.
We love you, Mom and Dad Denney