Monday, March 28, 2011

My Son

You'd think that being surrounded by more than 800 Ugandan kids, Perez would not stick out (and that I'd have someone else to write about). Without apology, there is no kid I'd rather write about, and there is no denying it, he sticks out.

Sure, he sticks out because he wore a red shirt today and the school uniform is blue. He sticks out because when the others get there portion of rice, he gets a meal. He sticks out because when night comes, he goes to the apartment and the others go to the dorm. He sticks out because he does not go to class. He just sticks out.

He also sticks out because of his incredible heart to share and help. He brought a backpack of his toys, all to give away. Each night a mob of kids come to his room, they get out the toys and they begin to play. Perez steps back and says to me, "dad, I just love watching them play." Today he bought a small bag of cookies (biscuits). He loves the school cookies (so do I). After eating one he noticed his many friends watching him with the cookies. Perez gave the rest away. At lunch today, he did not eat a single french fry, he wanted to hand the out (which he forgot to do so by evening our kitchen counter was home to 10 billion ants, and yes, I counted). This kind of "sticking out" goes on all day.

As much as Perez sticks out, he is so at home. Watching him run across the school lot, dirty, laughing and seeking out the next adventure...that's the Perez we first met and fell in love with and it's good to see him at home. We love to see Perez in his culture, with his friends (all of whom he has outgrown by at least 6 inches) and surrounded by people who love him (not that each of the above aren't true back home).

Perhaps most surprising, is that we have discovered that Perez can indeed run out of energy. Each night, Perez has fallen asleep on the couch by or before 8 oclock (tonight, before eating dinner). Not the sort of slowly nod off and drift away, but more of an instant out. One minute he's speaking, the next minute he's sleeping.

The downside to his early bedtime, as I discovered this morning, an early wake up (4:45 this morning). That means enough for now, I need to get my sleep. Good night, from Uganda



Morgan said...

I can just picture Perez and his antics from your description. Thanks so much for sharing. Praying for y'all!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I would so love to see him in that environment. I am amazed that he has just dropped to sleep! It IS possible! Love you all so much....hugs to each....thanks for finding time to share.

Denneypraise said...

Hi family :). Perez, it is so cool to hear about you having fun with your friends AND you sharing not only yourself but your "stuff"...God has given you a big caring heart!
S&A: praying for you & all that enters your days!!
We are enjoying some warmer days, 60s, after weeks of cold, snow, rain & wind! Sierras have 160%+ of snow average!! xoxo

cari said...

I'm fairly certain Perez is one of the most faith filled, life exuding, loving, thoughtful, generous, gracious people I've met. I am so honored to know him and be a part of his story. Praise God for the faith of children.
Praise God for parents like you and Ali who love him well! Thankful for all of you today