We made it! Travel was long and uneventful. Perez is a champ when it comes to long flights...maybe because he can watch movies and play video games ‘till his eyes cross. We were met at the airport by good friends and Perez’s mom from Uganda. Through a mix of body language, tiny bit of English, and some much needed translation, we spent the time talking about Perez and showing videos and photos. It is always good to be greeted by people we love in a country we love!
Pulled up at the school and were immediately surrounded by hundreds of kids. Some familiar faces we know and love and some new faces we will grow to love. The kids grabbed our luggage (as is custom in Uganda...their hospitality is amazing) and loaded it in the apartment. We then spent the next few hours with Maggie, and of course about 50 other kids. Much more to say later when my eyelids aren’t drooping so low, but let’s just say Maggie is a personality alright! She is sweet and full of spunk. Looking at her tonight just made me realize that if this doesn’t go through right now, there is gonna be some major heartbreak to deal with.
From Uganda with love,
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