After letting Perez out of the car my heart sank a little. I watched my son walk in to school alone. Only a few weeks ago I pictured this exact situation with Perez walking past the gate holding Maggie's hand. Life has a way of painting new pictures for us. We can't help but think of what the future holds. We can't help but envision what may happen. If only we could truly live in the present, than maybe the future wouldn't look so good that we wished we were already there.
Standing in direct opposition to this train of thought is one that suggest the future breathes hope into the present. I would probably agree, but ask me on a different day.
I have resolved, for however long or short of a time this lasts, to play the cards as they come. That's not to say that I'm not still thinking about tomorrow, but more so that I will also still think about today.
From San Diego with Love,
Praying for you, Ali. I know how difficult this season can be.
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