After a challenging day...witnessing the hard life a Ugandan villager lives, poverty, orphans, disease (we are trying to capture the up and down emotions that we experience each day, from hurt and pain to joy and laughter in this blog), we arrived back at Pastor Stephen's ranch.
I stood outside the front of his home on the red African soil overlooking the green landscape of the Ugandan hills. Ali was taking pictures of the common safari animal...cows. And in the distance I could here the beautiful sounds of the Titanic theme song.
What a way to end a day.
We never know what we will see on any given day, but Tuesday was exceptionally gross. We were at the school standing outside while the children were gathering for an assembly (we quickly learned that a Ugandan assembly is not a pep rally, but a gathering of all of the children for discipline). We weren't real excited about watching what would transpire...fortunately, depending on how you see it, something else grabbed our attention. One of the cows at the school had seen it's last day.
For the next 30 minutes we (meaning Ali, me and about 50 children) watched some men butcher a cow. From taking it's last breath to being hung up for dinner that night. Our video is pretty awesome!
Since moving out of the hotel, our internet access has become very limited. Currently, I am at the school using the one computer that can connect. To do so, I had to ask the secretary to take a break...she is finished with her break and simply waiting for me to finish so she can get back to work.
the point - We will do our best to keep posting, but our slideshows will have to wait. We will mention if/when we add pics to the slideshow.
Thanks for reading and keeping up with us in Uganda.
Oh, I almost forgot (okay, not really). We met in court today regarding Perez. The judge will not make a ruling until next Wednesday, so no news yet. My opinion in the court was that it did not go real well. Our lawyer and Pastor Stephen both think it was great and that we should fully expect the judge to make a favorable ruling.
Because the judge will be thinking this over during the next few days, please keep praying.
One last thing...
for those who saw me chasing the turkey. It is a real picture, but quite staged. The turkey is injured and can barely move. I gave the appearance of chasing but was not really moving either. And for the record, I was still a bit nervous.
Okay, the secretary has work to do,
so goodbye for now, from uganda with love.
Ali and Steve,
Sammy, and the rest of our family, will continue to lift you all in our prayers. May God continue to use you guys to do His Work there. Thank you for your service to His Kingdom.
The Walls Family
esteban y ali - thanks for the update... we'll keep praying all week!
Hey Steve and Ali,
Hoping and praying for your safety and for a favorable ruling....
"The heart of the king is like channels in the hand of the Lord - he turns them anyway he wants"
Proverbs 21:1
- Ed
Steve & Ali,
You don't know me, but as an adoptive parent (Russia) and a 2 time visitor to Uganda, I think I can empathize with your situation. I will keep you and your situation in prayer.
We are asking God to press on the heart of the court in your favor. We so love being able to keep up with you via the blog. Thank you! We love you. Happy Birthday, Ali!
Mom and Dad
Happy Birthday Ali. We can't wait to see you guys and to meet Perezi (aka Goozer).
Bones, Jennie, Peyton & Reagan
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AL! Hope you had a nice day today! Love you, Ali
Congratulations guys! We heard the awesome news! We can't wait to meet Perezi! Welcome to our family!
So I'm reading Jennie's comment which leads me to believe (or really, rather, spells out) that Perez is now officially your adopted son???!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Soooo happy for you! We can't wait to get to know the little prankster! Love you guys :)
Ali, Steve and Perezi, sorry that you can't be here for Thanksgiving, we will miss you. I am so excited to hear the great news and look forward to meeting my new nephew at Christmas. We love you and miss you!
Nickie, Charlie and Liam
Still praying for you guys---for rest and that you are able to fly home Sunday.
"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
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